Taking care of you – down there and everywhere!

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Providing lifetime value to folx who are
on a journey to a better quality of life,
one pelvic floor at a time

The seed of the idea for Hyivy Health
has quickly grown into an international
company of over 24 professionals

Woman owned and run company
invested in improving and innovating
the future of women’s health

I started this company because you deserve better.

From surgery for endometriosis, pelvic floor therapy sessions treating my PTSD for Bartholin’s gland issue, to a cervical cancer diagnosis at 28 years old, I have faced the realities of early menopause, long lasting damage to my bladder and pelvic floor, and the ways this has impacted my ability to be intimate for rest of my life.

I created Hyivy Health while on bed rest after my hysterectomy and lymphadenectomy. I turned to a community of over 10,000 women who shared their stories, support, and tips about after care which got me through my darkest days. These women inspired me to get inquisitive about pelvic floor rehabilitation.

Why haven’t pelvic dilators been updated since 1938? Why isn’t pelvic health looked at more holistically? Why aren’t there more resources for pelvic health patients to connect with clinicians and pelvic floor therapists? Why aren’t women getting better care?

I knew something had to be done.

I started this Hyivy Health during one of the worst times in my life. It inspired me to talk to my doctors, therapists, and other patients where I learned that better, intelligent, patient-centered solutions can revolutionize pelvic health.

Our purpose for Hyivy started with my experiences, but has quickly grown to addressing each woman’s individual situation. We have created the first holistic device that treats, monitors, tracks and prevents various pelvic symptoms 1 in 3 women experience in their lifetime.

Our vision is to provide lifetime value to women, globally; and our mission is to support and care for women who are on a journey to a better quality of life, one pelvic floor at a time.




Rachel Bartholomew, CEO & Founder

The Hyivy Team

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Hyivy Health recognizes Kamyar Rounidej as former co-founder and first chief technical officer.